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Current Projects

Here is a list of projects which are currently under development.

"Jeff Burton's Horror thingies"
Jeff Burton films a lot locally.  Anyone who would of liked to help out should of called him at 517 449 2622 or send an email to outoftimeprod@hotmail.com. You will receive excellent experience and recognition in the film community if you get a chance to work with him. Support local filmmakers!

Your film can be any length and about any topic.
You may only use eight shots (seven cuts) to create the film.
Credits only count as a shot if they are rolled over footage; that is to say that if they roll over a black screen at the beginning or end of the film, they do not count as a part of your short.
*Please have one member of your group email filmclub@msu.edu with the names of your group members!*
If you are interested in participating but do not have a group, please let us know and we'll do our best to place you in one.
8 shot on-set group photo. As you can tell, film club can be a lot of fun.

"Cabin Slasher Flick"
Tim Bingham and Connie Pierce-Winters are beginning work on a script for a feature length Cabin Horror film. If you are interested in helping them please let them know.