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Your one stop source of film equipment and technical knowledge.


Anyone in a 300/400 level DMAT course also has the capability to borrow DMAT equipment, so if you are in one of those classes and would like to aid film club with your spiffy ability to get equipment, just shoot us a message and we'll put you on the list. This will help with figuring out groups so everyone will have access to equipment. 
Caroline Acosta acostaca@msu.edu TC 342
Connie Pierce-Winters piercew2@msu.edu Camera, tripod
David Imach imachdav@msu.edu Post-production
Frank Geist geistfra@msu.edu DMAT lab access
Harry Moroz silkymoroz@msu.edu mini-dv, FCP
Jeremy Bowerman Jbowerman@yahoo.com some (?)
Jim Marr marrjame@msu.edu mini-dv, TC 342
Kevin Germaih germai14@msu.edu digital video cam.
Lana Rivkin rivkinas@msu.edu TC equip.
Marvin Hudgens hudgens1@msu.edu all
Peter Dean psdean21@gmail.com canon GL1
Qin Lei leiqin@msu.edu Digital cam.
Tim Bingham binghamt@msu.edu camera, editing software
Tristan Johnson john2344@msu.edu in future
Wesley Forbes forbeswe@msu.edu DMAT lab access

 Use OpenOffice.org

IMDB (International Movie Database)

Movie Trailers

K-lite Mega Codec Pack (this download will allow you to play virtually any video and audio file)