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Old News

Here is just old news from past years... for sentimental value.

This year's last meeting will take place next Sunday (4/20/2008) at 6:30 pm in room 108 Berkey Hall.
If you have not paid for or picked up your t-shirt yet, please come to the final meeting next week or email me to meet up. I will send out a list of names this week, so if you are not sure about what you owe or if you ordered a tshirt, please take a look at that list.
Tristan Johnson and Matt Larner are going to be in charge of running film club next year. They are considering people for support positions. If you are interested in helping to organize and run film club next year, please email back at
filmclub@msu.edu and I will pass your interest on to them for consideration.
To those of you who have maintained your support and participation in film club, you have my deepest gratitude. I have had a great two years as president and hope that the group will prosper next year. If you have any comments or suggestions for the club, please feel free to send an email.
Good luck to all this year's graduates. -Sandra
Hello, all. Since meetings are being moved to Sunday evening and this Sunday falls on spring break, I wanted to inform everybody that there will not be a meeting this week. I hope you all enjoy your  break! Look for an email about the next meeting after school begins on the 10th of March.
As we struggle to find a convenient meeting time for our members, please check your email regularly to see when the meetings will be.
This week's meeting (week of 2/18-2/22) is CANCELED.
The proposed new meeting time is on Sunday evening. This weekend we have to see what rooms are available/open for a weekend meeting. Enjoy your weekend and keep an eye on your email to find out details about the next meeting.
Please remember that if you are participating (and I highly recommend that you do) in the ELFF cell phone trailer contest that they are due by March 1st. Details at elff.com
Also, if you are available this Friday, Lana and Tim are doing a shoot in the basement of Landon Hall at 2pm. If you are free and would like to help, please email Lana at rivkinas@msu.edu.
Please mark on your calendars that MSU Filmmakers Club will now meet on Thursday at 6:30 in the same room (108 Berkey).
Tim and Lana are making a short film the weekend of Feb. 23rd and the weekend after Spring Break. We really need help with this production - support your fellow student filmmakers!
We need:
-a script supervisor
-a DP
-a gaffer (lighting technician)
-an editor
-an audio person – boom operator
-actors *2 women *4 men
-extras for the bonfire scene
If anyone can help or is interested, please contact me at rivkinas@msu.edu.
T-shirts are in, with one catch: In order to receive the t-shirt that you ordered, you must participate in a film project this semester. After you participate, you will receive your t-shirt. Get filming! Some project ideas are:
- 8-SHOT: Make a short film using only eight shots to tell a story.
- ELFF cell phone trailer contest: http://www.elff.com/news/turn_your_cell_phone_off_trailer_contest/
*Get free admittance into the ELFF if your video is accepted!*
- 48/5 is this weekend: http://www.elff.com/485/
Get filming! If you need help getting people or equipment, remember to come to the meetings or email filmclub@msu.edu with what you're looking for and when you need it.
I am writing today regarding Dr. Ed Messina's upcoming film project. For
those of you who weren't there or don't remember, Dr. Messina is the
neurologist who spoke at a Film Club meeting last December. "Lily's Mom"
(formerly "Headache Queen") is a docudrama about a woman with chronic
headaches whose life spins out of control. Ed has a deal with PBS for the
film to air on stations in Michigan and Canada. He was kind enough to hire
me as a production coordinator/assistant director, and one of my
responsibilities is to find production assistants. These positions are
unpaid, but one would be great learning experience and resume builder for
anyone who's serious about working in film,. Plus, there will be catered
meals, which is always nice. We will be shooting on location in Lansing the
following weekends:
February 16-17
March 1-2
March 8-9
March 15-16
Ed needs one P.A. a day from 8am-10pm. If you are interested, please e-mail
me at
miskasan@msu.edu and let me know which days you are available. Thanks!   ~Sandra Miska
The East Lansing Film Festival will be held in the week and especially the
weekend after spring break, from March 12th to March 16th.  As in past
years, we need volunteers to help set up the festival and to usher at films,
and hope that you will encourage film students to volunteer.    Working at
the festival gives people a chance to meet filmmakers and to see great films
they'd otherwise miss.   Also, volunteers are usually rewarded with passes
to more films.
If students are interested please tell them to write me at this address-- elffvolunteer@hotmail.com
Just a reminder that our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 5th at 5pm in room 108 Berkey Hall. If you ordered a t-shirt, they have arrived and will be available for pickup tomorrow night at the meeting. If your 8-shot project is completed, please bring in a copy on DVD. If you have not completed an 8-shot project due to lack of a group or eqipment, but would still like to do so, please email your name and email to filmclub@msu.edu with the subject "8 shot."
The 2008 MSU Student Film Festival Applications are now available in the UAB Office (322 MSU Union) or attached in pdf form to this e-mail.  Please e-mail Matt Mergener ( mergene1@msu.edu) if you have any questions regarding the application or the film festival.  Applications are due Friday, March 28 by 5:00 pm and the actual film festival will take place in Wells Hall April 18-20.
Hello, all. Thank you to everybody who came to last week's meeting. We watched Jeff Beachnau's short film from last semester and announced the first project of this semester: 8-shot.
Guidelines: -Your film can be any length and about any topic.
-You may only use eight shots (seven cuts) to create the film.
-Credits only count as a shot if they are rolled over footage; that is to say that if they roll over a black screen at the beginning or end of the film, they do not count as a part of your short.
Please have one member of your group email filmclub@msu.edu with the names of your group members!* If you are interested in participating but do not have a group, please let us know and we'll do our best to place you in one. 
Please note: there is a possibility of the meeting time changing since so few people made it to last week's meeting. If you would like to attend but are unable to attend on Tuesdays at 5:00, please email filmclub@msu.edu with your preferred time on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Director Bob Baldori is looking for an experienced editor who is adept at
using Final Cut Pro. He is making a documentary on Boogie Woogie music and
needs someone who knows a lot about editing sound and is willing to work
with him for 10 to 20 hours per week. He needs someone right away. He will
pay by the hour. It is an exciting film with fantastic footage. Please
contact him at Bob at
boog@boog.com or call him at 517-351-6555.
New Meeting Time
You must place your vote by replying to this email with the subject " meeting time." Please note that the options have been modified:
#1: Tuesday after 4:30 p.m.
#2: Thursday after 4:30 p.m.
Please vote for a day and the time that you would like the meetings to start. Our first meeting will be either January 15th or 17th. Keep an eye on your email to know for sure.
Ed Messina - New film "Headache Queen"
This is a great opportunity to work with a real, local director on a project that in very innovative. Please go to www.mandy.com to find out what positions he is still looking for. Contact him at edmessina@comcast.net with a brief description of your experience, even if it's none, and what you'd like to learn more about/help out with on the project. Filming will take place mostly on weekends throughout January and into February.
More info about the "Headache Queen" project:
The second draft of the script for "Headache Queen" is finished and a copy was sent off to the US Copyright office. I'll be posting notices on Mandy.com for the different crew and casting positions.  My office will coordinate a lot of the nuts and bolts and Marni Holmes will be in charge of casting and script supervision. It's going to be a fast production cycle but I think the automated scheduling and green screen technology will pay off.
A description of "Headache Queen":

It will be a feature length docudrama, intended for release to PBS, WCMU has agreed to be our presenting station.  The film will be slated for independent distribution and festival entry.
Headache Queen is a narrative drama with intricate characters that interrelate with Mary, the protagonist. The production style will be somewhat "organic", but production value will be high for visual and sound recording.  
Blurb: "Mary Jones is married to a sociopath, works for a shady boss, has no loyal friends, has a pathological family and spends most of her time in pain and despair.   She is trying to protect her little daughter and serve as a solid role model for her. Mary struggles with inner conflicts to overcome the obstacles to happiness for herself and her daughter. This is a story of struggle and success within a hostile environment.  
The project will be shot in high definition video in multiple locations around the Lansing area with liberal use of green screen technology.   To accommodate crew and cast and locations, shooting will predominately be done over a series of two and three day weekends plus some evenings, starting in mid-to late January.
 I am pleased to announce a call for cast and crew for my upcoming film, "Headache Queen" which is currently in preproduction.  It will be a feature length docudrama, intended for release to PBS, WCMU has agreed to be our presenting station.  The film will be slated for independent distribution and festival entry.
  Headache Queen is a narrative drama with intricate characters that interrelate with Mary, the protagonist. The production style will be somewhat "organic", but production value will be high for visual and sound recording.  
  Blurb: "Mary Jones is married to a sociopath, works for a shady boss, has no loyal friends, has a pathological family and spends most of her time in pain and despair.   She is trying to protect her little daughter and serve as a solid role model for her. Mary struggles with inner conflicts to overcome the obstacles to happiness for herself and her daughter. This is a story of struggle and success within a hostile environment. The attached cast list is large and can be a great way for an actor to show their stuff.
 The project will be shot in high definition video in multiple locations around the Lansing area with liberal use of green screen technology.   To accommodate crew and cast and locations, shooting will predominately be done over a series of two and three day weekends plus some evenings, starting in mid-to late January.
 The paid positions in this project will include the lead actor and the department heads for sound and cinematography.   Unless otherwise negotiated, all other positions in crew and cast will be paid through a deferred crew deal memo based upon a percentage of the income generated by the film. All financial arrangements, distribution, etc. will be handled by the newly formed production company, "Headache Queen LLC" of Austin, Texas, Associate Producer, Jill Bunting.  
 Before formally listing this call on Mandy.com, I am contacting those of you whom I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with in the past. If you are interested, please drop me an email. -Ed Messina
Fall 2007 News...
Currently on break for Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa. Check your emails for the next meeting date, which will be sent out later. If you are not on the list email us at filmclub@msu.edu to be put on!
If anyone still wants a t-shirt or has to pay for one, you have till Friday at 5pm. Give Lana a call at 248-515-9355 or e-mail her. They are $15.
Next week we have a visitor who is looking for help on a professional, feature-lenth docu-drama. It will be a great opportunity to learn about various aspects of filmmaking. It will take place next semester. If you are interested, please make sure to attend the meeting.
Hello, I am a student at MSU and I work as a consultant for a company called Toggin.  I am trying to get in contact with you because Toggin would like to find someone or a group to do some filming and editing of a promotion we are planning on doing at MSU.  We would like to be able to put it up on our website.  I am willing to pay cash for this project. If you are interested let me know ASAP! Jeramey J. Lynch Lynchjer@msu.edu
Dr. Ed Messina will be speaking presenting information about a project he will be doing next semester. He is looking for an assortment of students to help out with different aspects of the project. Please come to hear about it if you are interested in learning more about professional filmmaking. He is on IMDB at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2149254/ Previous film club members who have helped with his projects also have pages on IMDB.
Our final project for this semester is Current TV's "The Current Election 08: What's your issue?" Basically the concept is to make a 3-7 minute video on any major issue during this election season (gun control, abortion, healthcare, etc) and the people these issues effect. They are looking for an accurate and fair look at an issue. Keep in mind there are going to be a lot of submissions so try to find a novel approach. Start brainstorming and assembling groups as soon as possible.
T-shirts are going to be ordered soon and they cost $15. Currently the colors are gray and green, but there is a possibility of a color choice. The front of the shirt is of King Kong on top of the Beaumont Tower. The back says: "We'll fix it in post." If you're interested in purchasing a t-shirt bring $ next week. Also, hit us up with an e-mail if you can't make the meetings and you're interested in a shirt.  
Thomas Reilly-King (734-502-2773) is looking to film a scene that takes place in a "massage parlor." He was wondering if anyone could help him in acquiring props to use. Preferably some nice plants and a classy room divider. Let him know if you think you can help or know someone who might have something he could borrow. Thank you so much!
Our final project is the Current TV pods. Let Sandra know if you are participating or would like to join a group.
This past meeting two student representatives from Current TV came in to talk to us about Pods. A Pod is a short video that tells a story, profiles a character and/or shares an idea. Current TV pods are nonfiction videos that are anywhere from one minute to seven or eight minutes; it's a self-contained story, a profile of an interesting character or a dose of information. If you are interested in making a Pod or already have one you can upload it at http://current.com/make. If you have any questions regarding Pods or Current TV contact Angela at meltsnel@msu.edu or visit http://current.com
Next week we are not having out regular meeting. Instead there is going to be a camera usage tutorial at the Comm Arts Building at 8:30P.M. in either Studio D or E.
T-shirts = $15 to Lana. You can choose the shirt color you prefer. T-shirt money will be accepted after Thanksgiving weekend, but preferably paid for by next Tuesday. If you can't make the meetings and would like a shirt, e-mail Lana at rivkinas@msu.edu with your size/shirt color/how you will get the $ to her.
ELFF's 48/5 is coming up on November 30th. For more information, please visit their website at www.elff.com/485/ (if the link doesn't work copy and paste).
Sumi Somaskanda, a producer with Current TV in San Francisco, has launched an initiative call-for-content that they call "The Current Election 08: What's Your Issue?" They're trying to place the spotlight on the major issues during this election season (gun control, abortion, healthcare, etc) and the people these issues affect. Current TV is asking documentary filmmakers, journalists, producers, videographers, etc. to produce some content (mini-documentaries, 3-7 minutes long) on the issues as we head towards primaries. Attached is a FAQ document about the initiative to explain it in more detail. Any students who get their content onto Current TV do receive compensation---starting at $500.
For more information check out their website http://www.current.tv/

'Project: Direct' is holding a contest to direct a unique film that includes 3 specific elements. 1- A character facing a situation above his or her maturity level. 2- This line of dialogue: "I demand an explanation for these shenanigans! What do you have to say?" 3- The passing of a photograph. The deadline for submissions is November 9 th. For more information visit https://www.youtube.com/projectdirect

Reminder that General Dialogue Projects are due October 17th. We will be watching these at the next meeting. Keep in mind that Film Club will keep a copy of your movie, so make extra copies for yourselves. 
Tim Bingham is looking for actors to be a part of his terrifying haunted house. If interested contact Tim at
Volunteers are needed this Sunday Oct 14, 2007 with late night talk show host/tour emcee Jake Sasserville at the Guster concert. Volunteer responsibilities will consist of distributing fliers and assisting Jake during the three hour pre-concert festival as well as during the concert itself. If you are interested in this, please contact Bill Vincent ASAP at vincentw@msu.edu.
Nathan Quinn is looking for extras for his "Resident Evilesque" short in the tunnels and buildings of Mt. Clemens. Extras will play mercenaries, government guards, or zombie-like creatures. Any age, size, etc. The shoot is going to begin Monday, October 1 st, at 6 P.M. in Mt. Clemens. If interested contact Nathan Quinn at

T-shirt ideas are still needed (preferably sans gorilla). E-mail film club or just bring in a drawing to the next meeting.
Due: Wednesday, October 10, 2007. Format: DVD
You must use the attached dialogue exactly as it is. It is a combination of two scripts that were submitted for consideration. Thank you to everybody who submitted ideas. You may use any setting, props, costumes, etc. that you desire. There is no time limit to the film. If you need people or equipment for your shoot, please send an email to
filmclub@msu.edu or make an announcement at next week's meeting. If you'd like to be involved in the General Dialogue project and still need a group e-mail film club ASAP.
Hey Film Club, it's Jeff.
Here's that film I was telling you about in last week's meeting.  It's being directed by Nathan Quinn who made the hilarious The Crotchening (one of my first gigs at MSU).  If you need more info let me know and I'll see what I can do.   - Jeff
http://www.flickr.com/photos/13956833@N02/ TERRA pictures
www.terratwins.com Passcode (032005)
We are currently shooting the end of the summer/beginning of fall scenes for
TERRA. We have need for extras and roles filled for:
 1. EXTRAS EXTRAS EXTRAS for our "Resident Evilesque" short in the tunnels
and buildings of Mt. Clemens, beginning October 1st. Extras will play mercenaries, government guards, or zombie-like creatures. Any age, size,
etc. SHOOT IS ON GOING BEGINS MONDAY OCTOBER 1ST AT 6PM, MT. CLEMENS (Contact for directions and details)
2.  A "distinguished gentleman" for our kidnap scene. Age 55ish to 65ish,
prefferably a "architect" type from Matrix. And a few extras to play his
3. A 20 and a 30 something female and 50/60 something male for a
doctor/medical scene in a "rehabilation sanctuary". DATE TBA
4. Students to be in a college flashback scene in a classroom. DATE NOT SET
Any questions? Contact info below. Thank you
Nathan Quinn
Intrinsic Film & Media Ltd.
(AOL sn: JonNovar)

Local filmmaker Ancar came in to talk to us about his latest full-length film he's making called "In Love and War." He's looking for anyone interested in helping out in camera, lighting, etc. This is a good opportunity to get experience working in film. If you're interested you can contact him at parmaron@msu.edu

The next group project we will be working on are General Dialogues. We still need people to submit a 1-2 page script of dialogue (very ambiguous and no gender or object reference).
For Example:
Person 1: Is it working?
Person 2: Yeah
Person 1: I don't feel anything.
Person 2: Can you feel this?
If you have a script please hit us up with an e-mail at
filmclub@msu.edu with "General Dialogue Project" in the subject heading. Also, please have it sent by next Wednesday. E-board will pick whichever script best suits the project.

Josh is working on a short horror film "Vocabulary". If you're interested in helping out contact barnet98@msu.edu
Connie Pierce Winters is looking for any people interested in a PA'ing job on Sunday at Sparrow Hospital. If you're interested contact Connie at piercew2@msu.edu

If you've had dreams about getting your script made into a film now is your chance to make that come true. Film Club is looking for a short 10-15 minute script that we'd like to start filming in October. Set up a meeting with the e-board to talk about it getting made. We need scripts, not ideas.

We're still in need of a t-shirt design (no monkeys, please) and shirt color. Send us an e-mail or bring a copy to the next meeting of any ideas you may have.

Next meeting we're watching the short films, so come! (FYI, meetings are every Wednesday at 8:30 P.M. in 108 Berkey Hall, unless noted otherwise)

Andrew Campbell, who works with MSU Law Tax Clinic, came to talk to us about the possibility of making a short film on low-income housing in East Lansing. The film would be finished sometime this semester and expenses would be covered. We will discuss the pending project further in future meetings.

Over the summer Michael Horgan and other members worked on the short film "The Unkindest Cut." The film is about 85% edited and thus far looks good. After the film has been completely edited, the audio will be deleted and replaced. Then it will be sent for further refurbishing and scoring by an audio extraordinaire. The trailer for the film is at his youtube page:
https://www.youtube.com/nowheregone (copy and paste if link doesn't work).

If anyone is interested in being part of the Lake Michigan Film Festival Selection Committee contact Heidi Gustad at gustadhe@msu.edu before Sunday night.

Next Thursday, September 20th, is Movie Night at Tristan Johnson's house. The film showing will be "The Seventh Seal." The address is 613 Lexington Avenue   http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohistory=&address=613%20Lexington%20Ave&city=East%20Lansing&state=MI&zipcode=48823%2d3612&country=US&geodiff=1

Rowdy Soul Productions ( www.rowdysoul.com) is looking for 2-3 motivated individuals to assist in our  commercial production shoot on September 22nd and 23rd. We will be filming on location in Mason, MI from 8am to 5pm both days. Potential Production Assistants need to be available for the entire shoot both days. We are shooting outdoors both days so rains dates are scheduled on September 29th and 30th. Your job responsibilities will include but not be limited to assisting the grip department with lights, assisting the prop department with staging, restocking craft services and other on set duties. The job is unpaid but lunch will be provided. This is a great opportunity for those who have little or no professional experience. If interested please email ( rowdy.soul@gmail.com) us your name, cell phone (or direct contact phone #) and current resume. Please no
attachments, simply copy and paste resume into email.

To integrate new and old members we've decided to start out with a small project called 14/5, which is basically to make a short five-minute film in two weeks. If you are interested in getting involved and haven't been assigned to a group yet send film club an e-mail asap. Also, If you have already been assigned to a group, please meet with them as soon as possible. The films will be due during our September 19th meeting.
Also, Jeff Beachnau is looking some more committee members for the Lake Michigan Film Committee (films by people from around the Great Lakes.) It is a bit time consuming because you watch a bunch of films, but it's fun. You get to see films by aspiring filmmakers and you also get a free pass into the 2008 East Lansing Film Festival held in the spring. It's also good to have on your resume. If you're interested contact Heidi Gustad at gustadhe@msu.edu

Thomas Reilly-King is also looking for anyone interested in helping out in his music video. If anyone has access to a green screen that he could borrow contact him at reillyki@msu.edu

There is a free sneak preview of "The Kingdom" on Thursday, September 13 at 8 P.M. in 108 Wells Hall. Tickets are free with MSU I.D. and can be picked up the UAB Office, 322 MSU Union. Tickets usually go quick so get them asap.
We will be gathering information from our members in order to begin our first short project right away. If you cannot make it to the meeting, but are interested in being involved, please email filmclub@msu.edu with your name, equipment (if any), role preference (camera, acting, editing, etc.), general availability, and whether you are a returning member or a new member.
I have exciting news for everyone who went to see "Thank You For
Smoking" last year. I ran into Jason Reitman at a comedy club last
night and guess what... he remembers us! He said, "Oh yeah, the MSU
film club that took over Ann Arbor. I remember that night." He
remembered all the photos we took, and he even remembered what he
wrote on my poster! T
ought that was kinda cool... -Natalie
Hello there film club members, Here´s more information about the feature Block that our friend Nick Hurwitch and co. is putting together. Auditions! I encourage anybody who enjoys acting to go, at least for the experience of auditioning. Also, the web site for more info on the movie is listed. Hope you´re enjoying summer! 
We're holding auditions for "Block" in East Lansing Friday, July 21, in Mount Pleasant Saturday, July 22, and call backs Sunday, July 23. Film synopsis, character descriptions, and READING PARTS can be found online at:
We have our fingers crossed for a big turnout, and encourage all to come give it their best shot (don't worry, we're friendly) especially experienced actors willing to take on a feature. See you all there, Nick Hurwitch
Here is a great way to break into film or get your
foot in the door with InZer0 (or if you've already
been in the series or the feature film, to get more
demo reel material or just have fun and do something
different on a Saturday night).
Please check it out and e-mail me back if you can do
this call for extras on Saturday, June 23rd from 7
p.m. until approximately 1 a.m. Thanks!
-Connie M, InZer0 Casting Director, mangilc@yahoo.com

Thought Collide Productions needs background extras for a decadent VIP Room party scene in its feature film, "InZer0:  Fragile Wings."  This party scene
showcases the main character, Thames, securing an important package in the midst a sensual party in an elaborate room of the Alien Peer's home.  Also
featured in this scene is Aras, the beautiful witch, who will be appearing in this scene as one of the partygoers herself.
DESCRIPTION OF EXTRAS:  Ages 18-40 of any nationality.
 Extras are instructed to bring risqué wear such as burlesque, fetish, bondage, lingerie, cage dance, belly dance, drag queen, revealing masquerade (with masks if possible), and other similar outfits.  Please avoid blue clothing.  No jeans, no camouflage, no eyeglasses (please wear contact lenses if you have them – if not, you'll be asked to remove your glasses during takes).  Wear what you think is your best outfit and then bring two other outfits.  Bring lots of accessories and fancy pillows (if available).  This a PG-13 scene.  If you have seen Episode 1 of InZer0, the party scene where Thames nabs a bracelet is the scene that will be filmed.  Extras must come camera ready with clean and edgy looks (i.e., come to the set with hair and makeup already done).  There are certain looks that we want to achieve in this scene.  Extras may be asked to wear a costume that we provide.
WHEN:  Saturday, June 23, 2007, 7:00 p.m. until approximately 1:00 a.m.
LOCATION:  Hastings Street Ballroom, 715 East Milwaukee, Detroit, MI  48202.  Be sure to MapQuest directions to this location as it can be difficult to
find.   Go to the grey back door in the paved parking lot and call the phone # on the door sign.
Interested actors must e-mail Producer and Casting Director, Connie Mangilin (mangilc@yahoo.com), a headshot to be considered (or point her to your
MySpace page that has photos of you on it).  The headshot doesn't need to be professional – a quick digital pic is fine.  There will be no auditions, however, extras must be approved before coming on set.  This is a volunteer and non-union role. All actors are encouraged to forward this call for extras to any friends/family that may be interested and fit the description.  If you were an extra or had a small role in InZer0:  Fragile Wings already and want to be in this scene, you may still be in the decadent party scene if you cover your face with a masquerade mask or headdress piece.
MISCELLANEOUS INFO:  Extras should bring something to keep themselves occupied between takes (book, magazines, homework, iPod, etc.).  This is a clean set (no drugs or alcohol allowed on set).  Extras should bring a snack or brown bag lunch if they need something to eat during the shoot.  Although there may be food on the set, it will be for cast and crew only (or the food may be a set piece).  Extras will receive screen credit.  Extras will be required to sign a group release agreement.  Extras must participate in the scene – no coming on set and "watching" the action.
General Information on InZer0 PLAN
 Thought Collide Productions shot a 12-episode series of InZer0 from March 2006 to February 2007 and premiered the episodes (with a two month postproduction schedule) at times to sold out audiences at the Royal Oak Main Art Theatre.  We are now shooting a feature film of InZer0, which covers much of Episode 1 with more character development and back-story.  Post-production of the feature film is slated for completion in late December 2007 with a release date in early 2008.  InZer0:  Fragile Wings will enter the film festival circuit in 2008-9 with the goals of securing worldwide distribution and kicking off a franchise film.
 InZer0 receives substantial support from our community as we continue to prove our commitment to making high-caliber films in Detroit.  We have enjoyed visits from celebrities, sold out screenings and press coverage from many local media including The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Real Detroit, Metro Times, The Oakland Press, The Macomb Daily, Ann Arbor Daily News, Crain's Detroit Business, 89X, ListD.net, Model D, C&G Newspapers, thedetroiter.com, detroitcity.com, Screen Magazine, WDET, Fox 2 News, and many more.
Directed by Kent Alterman, starring Will Ferrell, Andre Benjamin, & Woody Harrelson, 
this major motion picture is coming to Michigan (Detroit & Flint). It’s a sports comedy that takes place in the world of basketball in 1976. Get your 1970’s groove on with us!  
***PAID EXTRAS of all ages are needed to work on the film “SEMI-PRO” while in Michigan (Detroit & Flint).  Shooting days are currently scheduled for the last week of April through the first week of May 2007.  If you are interested in possibly working as a paid Extra in our film, please mail your submission as soon as possible.    
MAKE SURE TO SEND THE FOLLOWING:  a current photo (snapshot or Polaroid is fine), Name, Email, Address, Phone, Date of birth (if a minor), HT., WT., Sizes, Car Info.(if you have one) - Make, Model, Color & Year.  
         c/o LA Center Studios
      1201 W. 5th Street Ste. M310
      Los Angeles, CA 90017
OR EMAIL: WENDY WASHBROOK / EXTRAS CASTING to wwashbrook@verizon.net
Hello, Happy Summer!
A bunch of the film club has reconnected on the west coast, and we still get together and make movies just like old times. Some of us participated in a 12 hour film race about a month ago and we qualified to compete for "The Best Film of the Los Angeles Film Race 2007". Check it out on www.filmraceing.com. Click on the word LA and watch the one called "Jack of All Trades : Volume 3", and if you like it please vote for us!  It's the one in black and white, and I'm the actress! You can't miss it. Thanks! I'd love to hear from you all and let me know if you decide to move west!
 I have had an opportunity to work with many of the great people who are making InZer0 over the years.
 Johnny Victor, the star, is a good friend and has acted in a few things I have been part of. Johhny is one of the most talented actors in Michigan, he will not be here for long. Same with Yanni Kuznia, who plays an assassin in a few episodes, she is money. Behind the camera Will Eichler has been a favorite DP of mine for a while, although I do not know if he will be involved in the film he did work on a few episodes. Jamie Sonderman the director is pretty brilliant and creative, he has surrounded himself with very talented people which is
the sign of a strong leader.
 They do a very good job for having NO MONEY, so those of you who want to see what it is like to do something way beyond what you should be capable of and have a good product to show for it should really think of heading down to Detroit and helping these guys. You will learn a lot and become better filmmakers for it.
--Chris O'Hara
So, here is happened during the final film club of the semester! We didn't do much at film club last week except.....have elections of course!!! And here are the results!
Your 2007-08 E-Board is.....
Sandra Jurado as President
Connie Pierce- Winters at Vice President
Svetlana Rivkin as Treasurer
Caroline Acosta as Secretary
David Imach as Webmaster
Our Five Initial Council Members are:
Timothy Bingham, Marvin Hudgens, Matt Larner, Tristan Johnson, Jeff Beachnau
Thanks for a great year everyone.  And Congrats to this years graduating seniors.  We will miss you all very much. To the rest of you, hope your finals are going well! Have a great summer everyone!
Sincerely yours, -Connie Pierce- Winters
Fall 2006/ Spring 2007 NEWS...
A few important things to know about this week and next week's meeting (the last meeting of the year :(

1.) Jeff Beachnau will be filming a couple more scenes for his Silent Charlie Chaplin Film this week.  He needs one more male and one more female to act.  Contact Jeff at beachnea9@msu.edu if you can or would like to help.

2.)  Prof. Bill Vincent's film is going to be reshot this May. Tentatively, it will be in production during the first week (Finals Week) and the last week of May. If you would like to be involved and can commit your time for this film, please let either Horgan know during next week's meeting or if you absolutely cannot make it to the meeting, contact Horgan at horganmi@msu.edu.

3.)  As a note for future reference,  Filmmakers Club will be ran somewhat differently next year. We will be holding executive board meetings weekly and most likely actual Film Club member meetings most likely bi-monthly. More details about this process will follow during next weeks meeting.

4.)  Most importantly, as it is our last meeting of the year, Film Club Officer elections are happening next week.  We are still going to keep our current four positions within the Executive board of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. However, we will also be adding the new position of Webmaster and five council positions to the E-board. If you would like to run for any of the ten
positions, make sure you are at the meeting. Also, if you are an active member of film club, I encourage and plead you to be at next week's meeting, because besides the fact it will be our last meeting of the year, you will also be able to help decide how film club will function next year and have a chance to choose or be a part of the 2007-08 Executive board.

Streaming videos are posted under the completed projects page! If anyone has other videos on google video or youtube, or projects on dvds or any other medium, if someone gives me a copy I can put them online.
-David Imach Imachdav@msu.edu
If you have a short film ideas or projects for over the summer, please present it during our last a meeting or else email filmclub and we'll inform everyone! Please include what you need (actors, equipment, etc.).
Tim, Connie, David and several other people will be working on a cabin horror script that will be shot late summer in a cabin up north. If you like to write and want to help in any way, Email Connie at piercew2@msu.edu

Special Events

UAB, in partnership with RHA, is having its Student Film Festival April 20-22! Check it out at Wells Center Cinemas. Times on the UAB website or on the fliers in the cafeterias. 

10th annual East Lansing Film festival!

Wednesday, March 21 -  Opening Night Film - "The TV Set" an adult comedy (no gross out, sophomoric humor) about the convoluted business of making a telelvision show. Starring David Duchovny and Sigourney Weaver.

Thursday, March 22 - A Boogie Woogie Concert by the two best boogie piano players in the world - Bob Seeley and Bob Baldori. You do not want to miss this! Dancers will be swinging on stage to the music! They are choreographed by Mark Ruhala  from The Gate.

Friday - Sunday, March 23 - 25 - The best lineup of films ever screened at ELFF. Many directors on hand to discuss their films, Midwest premieres!

Friday Night - Party at Beggar's Banquet featuring Mason Proper, a nationally acclaimed eclectic band.

Saturday, March 24 - Thursday, March 29 - Repeat screenings of the best films at Celebration Cinema! Midwest premiere of "Tales of the Rat Fink" - a funny doc about Bid Daddy Ed Roth who was the king of custom car culture. Matinees of "Jesus Camp", an Oscar nominee.

Thursday 8pm - Closing Night Film - "High Tech Soul" about the creation of Techno Music in Detroit.

Thursday, 9pm - Don't miss the Dance Party to celebrate the closing of the film festival at Club 131 (below Harper's) , 131 Albert Street, East Lansing. Featuring DJs from Detroit to rock the house!

You can get your tickets ahead of time by going to www.presaleticketing.com or go to Video to Go from 5pm - 8pm from Friday, March 16 to Tuesday, March 20. Individual passes for All-Day Saturday or All-Day Sunday or a pass for the all the festival films including Opening Night for only $30 for students and seniors(60 and over) and $50 for non-students. That comes out to about $3.50 a film. You can't beat that! Got to www.elff.com for the full schedule, film descriptions and ticket information.

     As you might be aware of already, Tristan and I have decided NOT to pursue on with the "Sexy Drama" short the Film Club has come up with. After receiving the first completed script, I went over the script with a fine-toothed comb to make sure this project was going say what we wanted to say about the Film Club. Unfortunately, I came across multiple errors with the project. First and foremost, it does not say anything. All we have are words on a page, not a story. There
is no theme to the film. Second, there's no character arc. The character's go through this event, but their personalities and/or attitudes do not change. There were also a few nit-picky things on my part, but without one of these two main points we have no film. The audience won't connect with these characters. I do believe there is great potential in the script we have now, but it is a very rough first draft. A few more re-writes, and the script could be very good. But it does need work.
     Thank you,
          Christopher Harrison & Tristan Johnson 

Friday, March 16 from 4-7pm and Saturday, March 17 from 2-6 pm. Room 211 Morrill Hall. AUDITIONS for the FC project are this weekend.

Spring 2007 - Bill Vincent talked to us day, as he was the guest speaker.  He first talked to us about the essential parts of filmmaking; these included crew positions available on a film, the steps of a production, and etc.  He also gave tips that he felt that young filmmakers should be aware of.  If you really want to know more, email me at piercew2@msu.edu, and I will send you the notes that I took.

December 4 at 8:15pm - Josh Becker is screening his movie If I Had a Hammer.
November 7 at 8pm - meet at Magdelena's Tea House to watch the 8-Shot films! $3 cover, guests are definitely welcome. ***It was amazing. Future events to happen, stay tuned!
October 21 at 12:30pm (Sat) - "Almost" filming at Bill's place, check facebook for the event "almost"
October 2 - In meeting auditions for Bill Vincents movie! Look pretty.
October - 2006/2007 Film Club T-Shirts! Bring possible designs/ideas to Lana Rivkina.
September 15,16 - Acting Auditions (if you didn't make it to this event email us anytime so we can set up an interview, no pressure)
September - Michigan Filmmakers Forum will be held the third Thursday of this month
September 3, 7:00pm - Party at the Aud (visit our booth!)


"Through the Toking Glass"
Juan was making a movie and Phil is helping organizing it.

"Romantic Comedy"
     This is John Kim, the guy with the romantic comedy idea. I'm sorry for not emailing you guys earlier, busy with a lot of stuff @_@!! I was thinking that we should meet on a weekend or weekday evening to work on the script, I have a few scenes written out, but I'm not sure if the format is right.

JEFF BEACHNAU has some ideas for short films. One being the chronicles of a day in the life of a lighter, and one being a silent short about Charlie Chaplin at a college party. If you are interested in helping out in any way with these, please contact him at beachna9@msu.edu

"Hunting Desert Demons"
Hello,    This is Kenneth. I have been an amateur filmmaker for several years. I will be filmming my project in October. The majority of the shooting will take place over the second and third weekends. All other footage will be shot on time table that reflects the schedual of actors involved. Filmming will take place in Lawrence, MI. There will be a couple scenes fillmed at Bear Cave Resort in Buchannan, MI.
     The story is about a group of men who are on there way out to Arizona to find work. On their way, they learn about a mysterious treasure and decide to seek it out. The treasure they seek is a trap and one of the becomes possesed by a demon who needs his body to live. The demons must now kill the others to protect his secret. Meanwhile, a woman has visions of the demon and his deeds; and sets out to stop him. We learn that the woman is aprt of a group of individuals, imbued with powers, who are chosen to fight evil here on earth.
     I have all the equipment and supplies i need. However,I am short on people. The more people I have the better i will be. If you have any experience working with DV cameras and are interested please let me know. I still need another camera operator for the completion of the shoot. I also need grips. There are a couple small speaking roles left as well. If you, or any one you know would be intrested you can reach me at
(269) 539-0098 or by e-mail at omnipresentproductions@yahoo.com. Thanks.