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Members / Officers

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Members / Officers

We are always looking for people interested in joining our club.

2007/2008 Officers
Bill Vincent vincentw@msu.edu Student Advisor
Sandra Jurado juradosa@msu.edu President
Connie Pierce-Winters piercew2@msu.edu Vice
Caroline Acosta acostaca@msu.edu Treasurer
Lana Rivkin rivkinas@msu.edu Secretary
Jeff Beachnau beachna9@msu.edu Board
Marvin Hudgens hudgens1@msu.edu Board
Matt Larner larnerma@msu.edu Board
Tim Bingham binghamt@msu.edu Board
Tristan Johnson john2344@msu.edu Board
David Imach imachdav@msu.edu Webmaster

Active Members
Brian Paul paulbri2@msu.edu
DeCinces Martin marti855@msu.edu
Frank Geist geistfra@msu.edu
Harry Moroz silkymoroz@msu.edu
Jeremy Bowerman Jbowerman@yahoo.com
Jeremy Thompson thomp836@msu.edu
Jim Marr marrjame@msu.edu
Josh Barnett barnet98@msu.edu
Kevin Germaih germai14@msu.edu
Kristen Miller mill1366@msu.edu
Kyle McPhail mcphailk@msu.edu
Kyle Surma surmakyl@msu.edu
Matt Rydzewski rydzews5@msu.edu
Nathan Hartley hartle39@msu.edu
Peter Dean psdean21@gmail.com
Qin Lei leiqin@msu.edu
Roy Dong dongroy@msu.edu
Sam Jenson jensonsa@msu.edu
Shannon Regan regansh1@msu.edu
Shawn Stormo stormosh@msu.edu
Tim Schafer schaf112@msu.edu
Wesley Forbes forbeswe@msu.edu
Xi Lu luxi1@msu.edu
From acting and directing to special effects and editing, there is always something for you here. No dues or hassle, just a group of people who love film. Simply talk to any of our members and they can give you more information.

(is that a beer on your desk?)
This is what all Film Club members will look like in 40 years. We love you Bill!